Different Problems, Different Technologies: A Training Provider’s Quick Guide to Go-to-Market Technology

Author: Intrepid by VitalSource
October 19, 2018
training provider's guide for going to market

With over 90 billion dollars spent on corporate training in 2017, the array of options—especially for learning technologies—is astounding and befuddling. For training providers thinking about going digital, figuring out which technologies to review and which to ultimately select is time-consuming. Plus, the whole process often leaves the buyer more confused than ever.

That’s why we’ve created this quick go-to-market technologies guide to help you sort through the morass and get to the right solution for your training company quickly.

The chart below shows some of the choices training companies might make along with the pros and cons to each. There are other solutions that arise weekly, but many fall in these buckets.

Different Problems different solutions blog v6 chart 

But there’s more to it than just that. Training providers considering taking their IP digital should center their technology search on two foundational questions:

  • What problem is your client trying to solve?
  • What problem are you trying to solve?

The answers to these questions will inform your strategy when it comes to both choosing a technology and implementing your IP on it.

The Problems Clients (Corporations) Are Trying to Solve

In general, client problems come in two buckets:

Bucket one is about their business challenge. What is it your clients are trying to do? Onboard better? Change strategic direction? Become customer obsessed? Sell more strategically? Be better managers? To all of these, specific content is the answer—and chances are you already have the right solution to a particular business challenge well hashed out. You are conversant in aligning your solution to client business needs.

Bucket two problems are more focused on execution. Client problems might include how they can get more people through training faster. Also, how do they get the learning to stick? How do they make sure people apply the principles? How do they reach a global audience? And how do they train without taking people off the floor?

What the clients are trying to solve will drive some of your decisions. For instance, if the key problem for your customers is getting the learning to stick, you might use a coaching app or follow-up webinars. If a key concern is getting a large population through a strategic initiative quickly, you might look at a learning program delivery platform. 

Problems You as a Training Provider Are Trying to Solve for Your Own Company

It has become harder and harder to sell for training companies—a frustrating fact of life. (See Miller Heiman Group’s “The Growing Buyer-Seller Gap” for validation on that point!) Here are some of the specific goals we at Intrepid often hear from training providers:

  • Differentiation
  • Growth
  • Scalable global solution
  • Build company value and create exit position for owners
  • Find new revenue streams
  • Meet the needs of millennials
  • Tap new markets like B2C
  • Leverage thought leader time/expertise
  • Create more ROI for clients

It goes without saying that the focus of the technical solution needs to match the goals in order for your digital endeavor to be successful.

Here are some things to consider as you look at the various technologies available to you:

Note One: If exponential growth is the goal, then it’s important to challenge sacred cows like needing the classroom or virtual session. The moment you introduce a constraint like having people in the same place at the same time, the more you limit growth.

Note Two: There probably is no silver bullet. Taking a portfolio approach is often the most strategic path. The implication is that your planning, budgeting, staffing, and skill sets need to account for an ever-evolving technology environment.

Overwhelmed? Looking for a way to crisp up the process? Reach out for a conversation to think through your technology approach and/or ask for a demo. 

See Intrepid In Action.

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Intrepid by VitalSource

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