L&D Ebooks: Elevate Your Training

Uncover the power of applied learning and learn how to equip your teams with the skills they need to drive real results in the workplace.
Woman sitting in a chair at her desk on her laptop

The Importance of Team-Based, Collaborative Learning…Online

This eBook focuses on the importance of collaborative learning online. Explore team-based practices and how to replicate collaborative environments in online learning experiences.
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team-based collaborative learning

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synchronous and asynchronous learning

Finding the Balance: Asynchronous and Synchronous in Collaborative Learning

Download templates for ideas to balance asynchronous and synchronous learning in your corporate L&D programs. Get inspired by these learner experience examples!
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tips for going digital with training

Training Firms: 8 Tips for Going Digital

Training firms, this is specifically for you! An eBook filled with the best tips for "going digital" with your IP and expanding revenue. Includes actionable tips and real-world examples.
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mooc playbook

Business Transformation Corporate MOOC Playbook

Playbook from Intrepid all about how to design and deliver a truly effective corporate MOOC for business results.
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team-based collaborative learning

The Importance of Team-Based, Collaborative Learning…Online

This eBook focuses on the importance of collaborative learning online. Explore team-based practices and how to replicate collaborative environments in online learning experiences.
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modern learner rights ebook

How to Make an Online Learning Program Great: Respect Your Learners’ Rights!

Explore the tenets of the Declaration of Modern Learner Rights, and how applying them creatively to your learning programs can make them exponentially more effective.
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modern learner

The Modern Learner

The Modern Learner: Who they are and what they demand are crucial to solving business challenges today. Find out how to move the needle for business by meeting their needs.
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What is a Corporate MOOC?

What is a Corporate MOOC delineates the differences between academic MOOCs and those tailored specifically for the business world and modern business challenges.
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