Browse our Corporate Training Resources

Explore our library of corporate training resources to stay up-to-date on industry trends, innovative learning and development strategies, and upcoming events.

Design for Collaboration (Free Course)

Elevate your L&D strategy with proven techniques to enhance collaboration and drive impactful results.
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Upskilling a Future-ready Workforce

Upskilling a Future-Ready Workforce: A Skills-Based Success Story

Watch this on demand webinar to get practical recommendations on how to execute impactful upskilling programs that foster skill development and job-readiness.
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DevLearn 2024

Join Us at DevLearn 2024 in Las Vegas

Visit Intrepid at Booth #234 at DevLearn 2024! Learn more about one of North America's biggest L&D conferences.
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Design for Collaboration (Free Course)

Elevate your L&D strategy with proven techniques to enhance collaboration and drive impactful results.
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Intrepid Impact - Onboarding Best Practices

Intrepid Impact | Onboarding That Works: Key Steps to Boost Engagement and Retention

Join us for an Intrepid Impact session where we’ll showcase effective onboarding practices for the modern workplace, organized around the 5 Moments of Need.
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ai and learning

AI and Learning: More than Just a Sprinkle of Pixie Dust

Explore the potential of AI and learning, gain insights on challenges, our perspective, and learn how to get started with simpler, smarter, and scalable L&D.
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Manager Development Webinar

Cracking the Manager Development Code: A Framework to Upskill and Engage

See how a large professional services firm built a suite of leadership academies to develop leaders at all levels, resulting in higher revenue.
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Intrepid Impact - Gamification Strategies in Corporate Training

Intrepid Impact | Say Goodbye to Boring: Gamification Tactics to Energize Your L&D

Get actionable gamification tactics for corporate L&D to boost engagement, energize your workforce, and enhance learning outcomes.
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synchronous and asynchronous learning

Finding the Balance: Asynchronous and Synchronous in Collaborative Learning

Download templates for ideas to balance asynchronous and synchronous learning in your corporate L&D programs. Get inspired by these learner experience examples!
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Intrepid Impact Webinar - Double Your L&D Impact with Video AI & Human Insights

Intrepid Impact | Double Your L&D Impact with Video AI & Human Insights

Discover how ServiceNow transformed its certification program from a resource-intensive bottleneck to a scalable success that led to immediate skills adoption in the workplace.
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