All About How to Keep Your Learning Programs Learner-Centric (and Therefore Business-Effective!)
Our Declaration of Modern Learner Rights has 10 tenets we feel are essential to keep in mind when designing a great online learning program that will both engage learners and result in behavior change and business impact.
But we had a lot more to say than just “keep the learner at the center of the universe” — download this eBook to read all about our ideas related to the Declaration. It’s full of tangible tips and techniques to empower you to design your own learner-centric programs in style.
Sections include:
- The Case for Ruthless Relevance
- Ruthless Relevance Puts Reg CC in Context
- 5 Ways to Lower the Barriers Between Your Learners and Learning
- What to Worry About When Moderating, and What Not to Worry About!
- 3 Great Reasons to Use Discussion Forums
- The AGES Model and More Cognitive Science
- Ways to Ask Why and Why You Need To
- Importance of Learning Engagement to Employee Engagement
- People, People!