Reduced Time off the Job for Worldwide PLM Software Rollout

An aerospace manufacturing organization faced a big challenge: Rolling out a new PLM system enterprise-wide, with training required for 70+ roles.
An aerospace manufacturing company faced a significant challenge: deploying a new product lifecycle management (PLM) system throughout the organization, requiring training for numerous roles. An ILT approach would have taken too long, cost too much, and taken employees off the job for too many days.


  • Required enterprise PLM software rollout and change managementstrategy to drive efficiency and throughput across the organization
  • Training required for 70+ roles worldwide. Some roles required totake multiple courses
  • Initial approach: 18-month rollout with 50+ ILT events tailored forunique roles, at massive time, expense, and opportunity cost


  • Blended online & classroom approach of 34 courses delivered to 8,000learners in 4 countries and 2 languages
  • Self-paced online learning in guided by a “Tell Me, Show Me,Let Me” format
  • Same sites used for ongoing performance support
  • Applied PLM practice through real-world assignments

“This is the best training and only approach we should use ongoing."

Vice President - Customer Services


  • Positive learner and management reaction
  • Learners are using the site for just-in-time performance support aftercompleting required course(s)
  • Blended approach reduced costs and logistical complexity, andreduced learner time off the job

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