Active Learning. Not Just Another LMS.

The platform to drive all your high-stakes learning initiatives. With a focus on collaboration and application, not just content delivery, Intrepid goes beyond the LMS.
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Corporate Training Challenges

We Understand Your Pain.

As a learning leader, you juggle bridging skills gaps, maximizing impact with limited resources, and generating learning ROI. If you don't continuously upskill and reskill employees in today's rapidly changing world, you risk disengagement, widening skill gaps, and lost competitiveness.

Intrepid knows this frustration. That's why we built a platform that empowers you to create flexible and engaging learning experiences, maximize resources for seamless scalability, and eliminate redundant costs.

Driving Business Impact with Intrepid

Learning shouldn't be a solitary pursuit. Intrepid's cohort-based platform fosters a dynamic and agile learning environment where collaboration and real-world application go hand-in-hand. This innovative approach unlocks a multitude of benefits for your organization, empowering you to:
  • Improve

    Equip your workforce with the skills they need to tackle real-world business challenges and drive measurable results.
  • Improve

    Spark a passion for learning with interactive experiences that keep employees motivated and making progress.
  • Increase Efficiency

    Streamline learning delivery and management, freeing up valuable resources for strategic initiatives.
  • Lower L&D Costs

    Reduce reliance on external training and travel expenses while minimizing labor and administrative costs.
  • Build and Validate Real Skills

    Facilitate knowledge sharing and application-based learning to build skills faster and bridge the gaps.
  • Increase Employee Retention

    Invest in your workforce, fostering a culture of learning and growth that builds loyalty for long-term success.
  • Improve Career Development

    Provide employees with practical learning opportunities to help them advance and achieve their goals.
  • Scale Globally With Ease

    Deliver consistent, high-quality training to a geographically dispersed workforce, regardless of location.

See How Intrepid Can Help You Today!

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Upskill With Flexibility: Tailored Learning Solutions for Every Need

Forget one-size-fits-all solutions. Intrepid's platform bends to your needs, offering a variety of learning solutions. Run intensive cohort programs or deliver content in bite-sized, time-released modules. Facilitate dynamic collaboration or empower self-paced learning. Intrepid seamlessly integrates with your existing LMS, but goes beyond. We focus on application, not just information.
illustration of a person sitting up tall at a desk, smiling and looking into the camera with a laptop

See Intrepid in Action

Our adaptable platform connects your team globally, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing. Learners can apply their skills to real-world situations, leading to immediate impact for your business.

Intrepid Platform Features

Empower your business with features designed to optimize learning outcomes, boost employee engagement, and drive performance.

Collaboration with Purpose

Learners travel through a common learning experience in a cohort of peers, connecting and sharing insights together.

  • Discussion Forums

    Learners can engage with and learn from each other through real-world experiences.
  • Workspaces

    Just like breakout groups in traditional classrooms, learners get a focused environment to collaborate, share insights, and apply new concepts to real-world challenges.
  • Social Connections

    Learners can create social profiles, engage with fellow learners, see the activities and contributions of others, and interact with liking, sharing, and tagging features.
  • Blended Learning

    Combine the flexibility of online learning with the power of virtual instructor-led training for high-value collaboration. Plus, easily keep track of synchronous events within the cohort learning experience.
  • Live Chat

    Learners can connect with other learners synchronously.

Practice & Application

Learners apply new concepts to practice freshly acquired skills on the job, reflect on what they’ve learned, and share their experience with peers.

  • Missions and Projects

    Learners use real-world challenges built on the platform as opportunities to build new skills individually or as teams through relevant, experiential, on-the-job assignments.
  • Expert and Peer Reviews

    Learners receive guidance on their assignments from experts or peers, allowing for scalable feedback opportunities.
  • AI-powered Video Assignments

    Learners can access various video assignment types individually or collaboratively to practice new skills, demonstrate knowledge, and receive AI-generated feedback.

Built-in Motivation

Learners can easily track their progress and earn points and badges to demonstrate completion and mastery of new skills.

Intrepid Platform Feature - Built-in Motivation
  • Gamification

    Learners earn points and badges for completing content and assignments and participating socially in a class.
  • Leaderboard

    Learners have access to a personal leaderboard summarizing points and badges earned.
  • Assessments

    Learners can utilize integrated quiz capabilities to assess progress.
  • Learner Journeys

    Create scalable journeys that go beyond one-and-done courses to facilitate behavior change, drive continuous learning, and align skill development with both organizational and career goals.
  • Progress

    Learners have a simple, intuitive view of each week’s content and assignments that allows easy understanding of where they are in the learning journey. Progress can also be tracked on the landing page level.

Easy Administration

Easily create courses, track progress of learners, and view key business metrics through an elegant dashboard.

Intrepid Learner DashboardIntrepid Platform Feature - Easy Administration
  • Analytics and Dashboards

    Detailed, out-of-the-box reports and dashboards provide granular insights on learner engagement and completion progress so admins and instructors can take action accordingly. Customizeable reports can be downloaded from the dashboard page and robust datafeeds enable data imports into your preferred analytics tool.
  • Class Creation and Configuration

    Create, copy, customize, and manage content and classes in a few clicks via an intuitive drag and drop UI. Configure courses for time-bound or self-paced (badge-released) learning to deliver cohort and/or asynchronous experiences.
  • Generative AI Tools

    Instantly generate activities with our AI Mission Creator and refine written content (almost) anywhere in your class, including AI-powered help writing discussion prompts, instructions, objectives, passing or failing quiz question feedback, communications, and more.
  • Support and Scalability

    Multi-site admins have full control of account permissions at every level of the platform, enabling seamless scalability of programs. Admins also have access to customer support, account managers, and customer success.
  • Content Publishing

    Create, upload, and deploy a wide variety of content types, including video, audio, documents, HTML, SCORM, surveys, checklists, learning paths, notes, and more.

Communication & Promotion

Keep learners engaged by being intentional about how you communicate and drive demand for the learner experience.

Intrepid Platform Feature - Communication and Promotion
  • Banners and Announcements

    Share class-wide communications and updates with learners.
  • Automated Emails

    Admins and instructors can keep cohorts engaged and up to speed with automated emails and daily digest emails sent directly from the platform.
  • Notifications

    Automatically update learners when someone has commented on their discussion post, when they've earned a badge, and more.
  • Platform Localization

    Cater to global workforces with Intrepid platform support for 16 languages in each class.
  • Business Rules

    Set up rules to trigger notifications in response to learner progress rather than at a pre-scheduled date (or manually by admins) for asynchronous class experiences.

Use Cases

Curious to see how Intrepid empowers learning in practice? Dive into real-world use cases to discover how organizations are adapting corporate training strategies to meet emerging workforce challenges.
cohort learning platform demo

Do you Have a Question About a Specific Integration?

Intrepid integrates seamlessly with popular HRIS, LMS, LRS, and BI platforms. Automate tasks and ensure smooth data flow between your L&D programs and existing systems of record. Contact us to discuss your integration needs.
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